Hi again, it's been a funny old week. Started last Sunday when Ruby's ex-family came to visit and I got momentarily worried that they were going to take my new girlfriend away again, but it seems they just wanted to see how she was settling in to her new home. Quite frankly I think she is pretty relieved to be away from those kids, they don't half pull you about a bit!
Then on Monday Mrs S succumbed to the flu so has been in a bad mood all week and the builders turned up to do the roof and gutters. I don't know what the stress was - they kept leaving lengths of plastic pipe around and I disposed of them around the garden - what's wrong with that? All told though I understand from the mutterings that these builder folk are lazy and inconsiderate!
Mrs S is in a right old mood today about some 'slap dash' brickwork where they've replaced the down pipe (whatever that is) so Ruby and I made ourselves scarce on the beds upstairs. Trampolining for mutts - great fun.
The week has had its highlights though - an exciting walk along the river and pub lunch in Kent, and my first proper swim! Poor Ruby seems quite scared of the water, I'll have to see if I can entice her in next time. The undercurrent washed the tennis ball downstream, but I was just happy to be splashing around in the sun. We met about five other cockers on the river bank and Mrs S even let me have a little lick of her ice cream..... it's a cocker's life alright!!