We've had high drama at home this week. One of the cats decided to cross the road unaccompanied by a human on Monday evening and wallop! It was apparently hit by a car, precipitating an all out torchlight search of the back gardens as she had gone to ground. Five hours she was missing for, and it was awful to see my favourite hooman so upset, although I don't understand why she is so attached to the flea bitten things. All they do is roam the neighbourhood getting into fights, picking up fleas and giving them to us and murdering the local mouse population.
I tell you, we dogs are not allowed to get up to that sort of stuff.... they don't even know basic commands. If they sat at the kerb like we do and crossed only when the road was clear, none of it would have happened.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Thursday, 28 October 2010
A tale of neglect
Well, the humans have been neglecting my blog again! It's been ages since they let me have access to the computer. Perhaps they are worried that word of our miserable existence will get out to the wider world?
Our measly two meals a day.... our one jumbone (mini) after the paltry hour-long route march around Danson Lake... the enforced sleeping arrangements, where they insist on all of us sharing the one bed... the bi-monthly torture sessions from the guy with the scissors and hot air machine...
...the list is endless and I can't go into too much detail because it will have you all reaching for the phone to call doggy emergency services...
Well, I'd best be off now before they twig that I've managed to hack the PC again!
Our measly two meals a day.... our one jumbone (mini) after the paltry hour-long route march around Danson Lake... the enforced sleeping arrangements, where they insist on all of us sharing the one bed... the bi-monthly torture sessions from the guy with the scissors and hot air machine...
...the list is endless and I can't go into too much detail because it will have you all reaching for the phone to call doggy emergency services...
Well, I'd best be off now before they twig that I've managed to hack the PC again!
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
COL walk at Lullingstone
I had a fantastic day on Sunday with about 10 of my online doggy chums from 'Cockers Online' and their humans. Not to be deterred by the impending rain storm, we all met in the visitor car park of Lullingstone Country Park in Kent before setting off on the 7-mile walk through woods and over golf course.
Check us out on the slideshow:

Humans and dogs alike got completely soaked - although it meant that there were no complaints when us dogs with water-paws decided to have a quick swim in the river! After three hours we got home soggy, happy and tired and just in time for a nice roast dinner...
Check us out on the slideshow:
Humans and dogs alike got completely soaked - although it meant that there were no complaints when us dogs with water-paws decided to have a quick swim in the river! After three hours we got home soggy, happy and tired and just in time for a nice roast dinner...
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Make mine a cold one!
We've been making the most of the light and dry evenings this August, and last night we took the humans for a walk round the lake and then to the pub in the park, where we meet up with some of our doggy chums.
They were really quite well behaved - they didn't drink too much and they talked nicely with the other humans there, with no falling out over the crisps! It's nice to see them sharing their food... although they do take a long time to get the drinks in...

And when they do get them in, I can't help but wonder how on earth I'm supposed to drink it out of that glass?
They were really quite well behaved - they didn't drink too much and they talked nicely with the other humans there, with no falling out over the crisps! It's nice to see them sharing their food... although they do take a long time to get the drinks in...
And when they do get them in, I can't help but wonder how on earth I'm supposed to drink it out of that glass?
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Is it a dog or a pyjama case?
Thursday, 29 July 2010
"...love is in the air"
la la, la la, la la la...... oh boy, I think I might just be a little bit in luuuuurve! I've got a new neighbour over the road and she is beau-ti-full!! Silky soft chocolate roan fur, big bronze eyes and little sharp teeth that she likes to nip my nose with (sigh)... I keep bumping in to her over the park and I think my human must have cottoned on as to how I feel, cos last night I overheard her giving her humans an invite to come and play in our garden. I'm not sure how Ruby is going to take the competition, but I'm pretty sure she knows that my love for her is strictly on a big sister basis. I've got so much to do before I see her again. I've got to get a hair cut, bath and toenail trim. This 'tache has to go and I've got to get some treats in. I wonder if she prefers bonios or rawhide chews?
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Pesky spam
And I don't mean the tinned variety, which isn't too bad if you wolf it down a bit quick like! No I mean pesky blog spam.... somebody is jamming up all my comments with foreign scroll which leads the viewer into a rather dubious 'girly' site... I mean I don't even fancy fur-free humans! My poor old paw is throbbing now with all the effort of hitting delete. Best take a nap.
Monday, 26 July 2010
'Wing Commander' Edison
Well hello chaps, what do you think to my newly-cultivated handlebar moustache?
The humans took us out for lunch over the weekend and we saw an awesome display by the Red Arrows. I was a bit perturbed by the noise to start with but soon got into the spectacular dives and rolls overhead... anyway, the whole awesome experience has prompted a new look for me, and by golly, do the girls love it.. Woof Woof!
(Better make the most of it I guess as rumour has it I'm booked in at the groomer at the end of the week!)
Friday, 23 July 2010
Gahh, I've let you all down!
Gahh, what can I say bloggers? I know I've let all my readers (all seven of you) down over these last few months by not posting updates. I could say that my humans have had me gagged and bound in the cellar for five months (except we don't have a cellar), or that I was dog-napped by some crazy ransom-demanding hoodlums and have only just engineered my escape (except that my humans are pretty sure if ever I was dog-napped, they'd bring me back pretty sharpish, for some reason)... but the truth of the matter is that I just haven't logged on (hides head in paws sheepishly)
Hey ho. Well I'm back now guys and what an eventful few months it's been. We all went on holiday to the Castle Inn at Lulworth Cove - check out the website to see our pics (http://www.thecastleinn-lulworthcove.co.uk/dog_friendly/search/eddie_and_ruby)... boy are the owners mad as a bag of squirrels about dogs! Comfy beds, our own seats in the bar, sausages for breakfast..... it was brilliant. I even managed to have a dust up with another cocker and didn't get barred!
Well, that's it for today, I'll be back soon, promise!
Hey ho. Well I'm back now guys and what an eventful few months it's been. We all went on holiday to the Castle Inn at Lulworth Cove - check out the website to see our pics (http://www.thecastleinn-lulworthcove.co.uk/dog_friendly/search/eddie_and_ruby)... boy are the owners mad as a bag of squirrels about dogs! Comfy beds, our own seats in the bar, sausages for breakfast..... it was brilliant. I even managed to have a dust up with another cocker and didn't get barred!
Well, that's it for today, I'll be back soon, promise!
Friday, 19 February 2010
Happy Birthday Me!!!!
Happy birthday to Me, Happy birthday to Me.....
Well, I have to say I think I'm lucky to have made it to the ripe old age of one. We (that's Ruby and me) were left on our own yesterday afternoon and she decided to embark on a mad shredding spree, which saw the humans' prized leather sofa take a right old battering.... oops!

Now, I can categorically state that I was in no way involved in the frenzy (my paws are clean on this one), but boy were they mad when they got home (although I did see him giggling while her back was turned and he gave us both a sly pat on the head... something about never liking them anyway... and was she sure that the cats didn't do it?)
Anyway, when the dust settled I gave her the old spaniel love routine and wrapped her back round my paws again... it's just too easy! I'm expecting lots of gifts and a cake later. I'll let you know how it goes.
Eddie - no longer a puppy, now a big boy dog. Woof.
Well, I have to say I think I'm lucky to have made it to the ripe old age of one. We (that's Ruby and me) were left on our own yesterday afternoon and she decided to embark on a mad shredding spree, which saw the humans' prized leather sofa take a right old battering.... oops!
Now, I can categorically state that I was in no way involved in the frenzy (my paws are clean on this one), but boy were they mad when they got home (although I did see him giggling while her back was turned and he gave us both a sly pat on the head... something about never liking them anyway... and was she sure that the cats didn't do it?)
Anyway, when the dust settled I gave her the old spaniel love routine and wrapped her back round my paws again... it's just too easy! I'm expecting lots of gifts and a cake later. I'll let you know how it goes.
Eddie - no longer a puppy, now a big boy dog. Woof.
Thursday, 18 February 2010
364 days old!
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
The big freeze!
Remind me again why humans are widely considered to be the 'masters' and dogs the 'servants'? I have living proof that my humans are far less intelligent than they give themselves credit for. It's mid winter, right? It's snowing? It's like minus 6 degrees of a night. So what do they do? They only decide to get the bloody gas boiler changed, leaving us without hot water or heating for four days in the middle of the worst cold snap in decades. Genius!!!
Now the hot water I can do without - means no fear of a bath after we get muddy in the park, but no heating is just cruel. In a blatant hash of those immortal words: "I'm going inside now..... I may be some time!!" At least my buddy Ruby came up with a cunning plan to stop the shivers....

PS - belated Happy Birthday Roobes for last Saturday. I'm sorry I stole your birthday ball.... natch!!!!
Now the hot water I can do without - means no fear of a bath after we get muddy in the park, but no heating is just cruel. In a blatant hash of those immortal words: "I'm going inside now..... I may be some time!!" At least my buddy Ruby came up with a cunning plan to stop the shivers....
PS - belated Happy Birthday Roobes for last Saturday. I'm sorry I stole your birthday ball.... natch!!!!
Thursday, 4 February 2010
The pack is back!
Hello again fellow bloghounds!
I can hardly believe it's been over a month since I last logged on. What a load of stuff has happened since then.... it's been a strange few weeks I can tell you. On the way to the grandparents house before Christmas we dropped Ruby off at her old family's house, and left her there! I couldn't believe it. I made it my duty to protest as loud as I could for the rest of the journey, which didn't go down well with the humans as it was a good four hour trip in the snow.
We finally got to the grandparents and I forgave the humans for betraying us, cos my cousins the yellow and chocolate labradors turned up, ensuing days of havoc all round! Ha! To be honest, four dogs would probably have been a bit much for the oldies so I decided leaving Ruby behind was probably for the best. Plus I got to sleep on the bed and get all the left over turkey (sorry Rubes....)
After the holidays we got home and boy was I in for a shock. More clothes started to appear from nowhere, to be packed in big coffin like bags, all bright colours and skimpy they were. Hmmmmmmmmm. I was starting to get seriously bemused by this point when they took me to my other nan's house for a couple of hours... which is ok, but with no Ruby there to help me bully Terry the Sheltie, I wondered how I was possibly going to while away the hours....
It gets worse. The hours turned into days, turned into more hours, more days, and then weeks! They'd only buggered off to somewhere called Mexico. And left me behind. In the snow.
Well, I vowed there and then never to trust them again. I would be ingnoring my humans when they returned and looking for an opportune moment to move in with some other ones who did not abandon me, I told Tez. He just looked at me blankly (he's a bit old and stupid). First they give the Ruby away, then they abandon me. I was livid.
And there were so many questions... where was this Mexico place? How long would they be gone? Would they even come back? Would I be stuck with Tez and no Ruby? Oh, the howls! I shredded the carpet in another protest move.
I'd finally given up all hope, when they reappeared out of nowhere - and the joy, the sheer joy of seeing my very own humans again was too much. I'm ashamed to say fellow bloggsters my vow of revenge was washed clean away. I took to lickinhg them to death for a week instead. The very next day I was the happiest puppy cocker alive when my pal Ruby came home... and here we all are today. The pack is back together, and now I must work out a way of ensuring that this horrible experience never ever occurs again.
Eds x
I can hardly believe it's been over a month since I last logged on. What a load of stuff has happened since then.... it's been a strange few weeks I can tell you. On the way to the grandparents house before Christmas we dropped Ruby off at her old family's house, and left her there! I couldn't believe it. I made it my duty to protest as loud as I could for the rest of the journey, which didn't go down well with the humans as it was a good four hour trip in the snow.
We finally got to the grandparents and I forgave the humans for betraying us, cos my cousins the yellow and chocolate labradors turned up, ensuing days of havoc all round! Ha! To be honest, four dogs would probably have been a bit much for the oldies so I decided leaving Ruby behind was probably for the best. Plus I got to sleep on the bed and get all the left over turkey (sorry Rubes....)
After the holidays we got home and boy was I in for a shock. More clothes started to appear from nowhere, to be packed in big coffin like bags, all bright colours and skimpy they were. Hmmmmmmmmm. I was starting to get seriously bemused by this point when they took me to my other nan's house for a couple of hours... which is ok, but with no Ruby there to help me bully Terry the Sheltie, I wondered how I was possibly going to while away the hours....
It gets worse. The hours turned into days, turned into more hours, more days, and then weeks! They'd only buggered off to somewhere called Mexico. And left me behind. In the snow.
Well, I vowed there and then never to trust them again. I would be ingnoring my humans when they returned and looking for an opportune moment to move in with some other ones who did not abandon me, I told Tez. He just looked at me blankly (he's a bit old and stupid). First they give the Ruby away, then they abandon me. I was livid.
And there were so many questions... where was this Mexico place? How long would they be gone? Would they even come back? Would I be stuck with Tez and no Ruby? Oh, the howls! I shredded the carpet in another protest move.
I'd finally given up all hope, when they reappeared out of nowhere - and the joy, the sheer joy of seeing my very own humans again was too much. I'm ashamed to say fellow bloggsters my vow of revenge was washed clean away. I took to lickinhg them to death for a week instead. The very next day I was the happiest puppy cocker alive when my pal Ruby came home... and here we all are today. The pack is back together, and now I must work out a way of ensuring that this horrible experience never ever occurs again.
Eds x
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