Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Worst weekend

It's been an upsetting weekend, with Eddie coming down quite badly with sickness and diaharrea on Saturday morning, a rushed trip to the vets for injections and antibiotics, and two days of Eddie getting steadily worse before he seemed to turn a corner. He didn't eat, drink or move from his bed (ok the sofa) for about 36 hours.

Luckily, getting him to lap water and rehydrating salts from a syringe seemed to be a bit of a hoot for him - and while most ended up on my lap, enough went down his gregory for me to panic less.

It brought back all the feelings of loss associated with Pepsi and Oscar - our rescue cockers who were both lost to cancer. I just can't see a dog being sick now without this sense of dread taking over me.

Anyway, lots of tears shed on Sunday. But by Monday afternoon he was perking up a little, we were managing to get his antibiotics down (and to stay down) and the rascal that we have grown to love over the last four weeks was finding his feet again.

By this morning, he was tearing about the garden like a jack rabbit, and generally giving me the proper runaround. Food is being demolished and he's drinking water from a bowl again. What's in store when I get home tonight I wonder?

1 comment:

  1. You are just adorable, Eddie! Our paws are crossed that you're 100% soon!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch
