Thursday, 23 July 2009

Surviving the power failure

Well, due to the power failure this week, that has seen the hoomans in a right tizz, I've not been able to put paws to keyboard and contribute to this blog. EDF Energy have kindly let us have three hours of power at a time, on a rota basis, but this hasn't really helped much when our three allocated hours have been in the middle of the night or during the day when the hoomans have been out at work!

The benefits for me have been extra walks around the park - just for something to do - but the downside has been the early nights - I mean 9pm, come on! I'm wide awake by 6am and raring to go chasing birds and cats - except Mrs S does not appreciate the paw in the face at such an early hour it seems....

Anyway the exciting news it that I'm to get a room mate next week. I'm a bit unsure as to whether a permanent addition to the household is for the best, but it will give me someone to chase in the park that Mr and Mrs S approve of! I'm willing to give it a go as long as she follows some ground rules: no sharing of food, bones or toys; I get to sleep on the hoomans' pillows, not her; she gets the baths, not me; and I get to lie of the sofa with Mrs S while she watches tv.......

Stick to that and all will be dandy! Watch this space.

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait to see who your new roomie will be, Eddie!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch
