Why? I fear that my humans are plotting to make me sleep downstairs with the cats. WITH THE CATS!! Yes you heard it right. I am outraged. The rule of the world is that the humans are allowed to sleep in my bed, as long as they stick to the edges, Ruby can sleep there too as long as she sleeps by the foot board and not up by my pillows, while those horrible moggies sleep on the floor in the kitchen.
It started last night. Hushed whispers as bedtime approached and furtive glances between the humans as we snoozed on the sofa. Imagine my horror when I drifted back to consciousness a few hours later to find the humans had snuck off to my bed without telling me!
As I laid downstairs in the cold and the dark, behind a firmly closed door, wondering how they could do this to me, there seemed to be only one option. So I nudged Ruby awake, took a deep breath, and howled: AAAWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWW........ YOWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW......WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!
Sure enough, five minutes later I was back in my own bed. How they thought they would get away with it is beyond me. Fools.
But I fear I may not be over the worst as I caught snatched conversations this morning: 'Blah blah blah.....back to basics....' - 'blah blah blah....ear plugs blah blah' - 'blah blah blah crate training again blah blah blah biscuit when he's quiet....' (which caught my attention) and 'I'll put a bloody bag over his head, that will teach him....' (that got withering looks from my female human I'm pleased to report).
So I'll let you know how it goes, but I can assure you that I will not be sleeping on the same level of the house as the cats.....
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