Friday, 25 September 2009

Cocker cream teas!

Just had a week in Devon, my first ever holiday. It took me a little while to settle in - I didn't know that the 'no toilet in the house' rule applied to ALL houses did I?! Once I'd got that cleared up though (or to be more accurate, once Mrs S got it cleared up - LOL) things went great.

We arrived on the Saturday afternoon after a long drive down there - stopping along the way at a service station with six other cockers loitering around - and to my surprise and delight my nan and grandad were already there! She always brings me a treat, and this time I got a yellow rubber ring and a rope ball.... was hoping for a bacon sandwich to be honest, but its the thought that counts...

Anyway, on the first night we saw fireworks for the first time - which made us cockers hide behind the sofa at first - but we soon got used to them and even stood up on the back of the sofa to watch (from inside the safety of the house of course).

We went on a steam train, we were paw passengers on a ferry, I took my first bus ride AND I learned to swim in a big rock pool. Ruby doesn't like the sea, and I'm none too keen on the waves, but I love digging in the sand - although the towelling down before we get back in the car seems a bit heavy handed for my liking.

Take a look at the slideshow here:
Devon 2009

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