Friday 10 July 2009

Eddie here and taking over!

Hey - I've decided to take over this blog as 'Mum' clearly isn't up to the job, and all the other blogs I've seen are written by the dogs, not the hoomans!

I'm round at my nan's today as 'Dad' has to work and 'Mum' is going to some leaving drinks party by the river (alright for some) and I'm delighting in causing chaos! She has this grumpy old rescue Sheltie called Tezza, and I just love winding him up by nicking all his toys and balls!! ha ha - he's a bit of a snappy old devil though, so I gotta watch me snout when he goes on the turn...

Hey ho, the kids want the internet back so I'm gonna sign off for now... where's that packet of crisps I nicked earlier gone I wonder?

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you and Tezza had a great time together, Eddie!
    We're so glad you decided to take over the blog! The hoomans can get so lazy sometimes!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch
