Well, friends and fellow countrydogs, I'm signing in to briefly update my blog before we head off for the Christmas holidays. I know we are going on a trip somewhere - and I suspect it is to my grandparents' house up in the country. Clothes are being piled on the spare bed, loads of garishly wrapped objects are appearing around the place with bows and ribbons and tiny little cards attached to them, and there is much excitement buzzing about - a real 'Xmas Atmos'!!!!!
I'll let you now what Santa Paws brought me in the New Year!
Eddie xxx
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Friday, 18 December 2009
Honey I shrunk the dog!
I had the freakiest day EVER yesterday dear readers, and I'm only relieved to be still here to tell the tale. At around 4.30pm in the afternoon I was frog marched into the now familiar torture chamber, whereby I am stripped of all my dignity - not to mention my manly tangles and musty smell - through a sustained routine of unimaginable water, shampoo and scissor based horror....
as I walked in, my human ignoring all my howls of protest, I saw something that made me tremble to the tips of my paws.... there, in one of the cages was surely an experiment gone wrong? It was a mini-me. The smallest blue roan cocker spaniel I've seen since I left the litter.... They have started shrinking us in the wash!
as I walked in, my human ignoring all my howls of protest, I saw something that made me tremble to the tips of my paws.... there, in one of the cages was surely an experiment gone wrong? It was a mini-me. The smallest blue roan cocker spaniel I've seen since I left the litter.... They have started shrinking us in the wash!
Thursday, 17 December 2009
Santa is under house arrest
There has been much hushed talk about the imminent arrival of a certain 'Mr S Claus' who, I have discovered, will be sneaking into the house while the humans are asleep to help himself to the mince pies and brandy. Not on my watch he won't!
So just imagine my surprise when I got back from my long walk in the park and apprehended him on the sofa this week. I expect they will be very pleased with me when they get home from work today to find that I have him under house arrest...
So just imagine my surprise when I got back from my long walk in the park and apprehended him on the sofa this week. I expect they will be very pleased with me when they get home from work today to find that I have him under house arrest...
Friday, 11 December 2009
Festive season
There is something very odd going on with the humans this past week. Our whole routine - which we dogs rely on as the very fabric of our existence - is being shot to pieces. Our normal day consists of pestering the humans awake at 6.45am for toilet, breakfast, back to bed for a snooze. 11am - walk. 12pm - chewy bone. Snooze. 2pm - play fight for an hour. 3pm snooze. 6pm - dinner and walk. 7pm - play fighting. 8pm - snooze in front of the TV with the humans. 10pm - bed.
But this week, the humans can hardly drag themselves out of bed of a morning (and when they do there is some grizzling and mutterings of keeping the noise down and acheing heads) so we have had to resort to sitting on them at 6.45am, and still we have been left to starve until 7.15am. Then we have been getting dinner at 5pm, no walk, and no humans until 9pm or so, when they come in and go to bed.
There is much giggling and swaying up the stairs on the way to bed, and hardly any of the fuss we are used to when we get there. Lights out. Snoring starts. And the breath!
I hear they call this the 'festive season'.... wonder how long it lasts?
But this week, the humans can hardly drag themselves out of bed of a morning (and when they do there is some grizzling and mutterings of keeping the noise down and acheing heads) so we have had to resort to sitting on them at 6.45am, and still we have been left to starve until 7.15am. Then we have been getting dinner at 5pm, no walk, and no humans until 9pm or so, when they come in and go to bed.
There is much giggling and swaying up the stairs on the way to bed, and hardly any of the fuss we are used to when we get there. Lights out. Snoring starts. And the breath!
I hear they call this the 'festive season'.... wonder how long it lasts?
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Welcome to the hotel cocker spaniel!
Oh dog, I'm in trouble again today. My female human came home from work yesterday pleased as punch with a new black and silver friendship bracelet she'd got from a swanky London store. I know what you are thinking - the dog ate it? Nope. He buried it? No. Worse.
After wearing it all evening and retiring to bed - which, by the way, I've fully charmed my way back into after yesterday's attempts to make us sleep (shock horror) 'downstairs' were foiled - we all settled down for a kip. Me in my usual spot on the edge of the bed, with Mrs S 'spooned' up behind me, her head on my pillow behind mine, and her arm under my head helpfully supporting my neck.
I was busy dreaming about roast chicken when jeez - the commotion was enough to wake the whole street (and they complain about the odd woof from us!).... its her wrist, and its itching and burning and covered in spots....
Oh dear, I thinks. She's been had, this bracelet is a dud. Man, she's gonna be so cross. And then I snuggle back down and forget all about it.
Next thing I know, the room is floodlit and I'm being grabbed by the scruff of my neck and hauled into the bathroom for 'an inspection'.... apparently I have fleas! FLEAS!! I'm mortified. Horrified. Aghast.
I try to explain that if I DO have fleas (and at this moment in time it's still under investigation) we all know where I got them from - THEM BLOODY CATS! It's the hairy one. I know it.
But will she listen? Of course not, I'm hoiked back into the bedroom, forced to lie on a large floor cushion for the rest of the night and sleep only fitfully with their last words ringing in my ears....horrible, nasty, bitey creatures (and by this I assume they mean the fleas, and not the spaniels)....vets....flea treatment....it will cost a fortune..... and oh dear dog......BATH......
I will get my revenge - the cats will pay.
After wearing it all evening and retiring to bed - which, by the way, I've fully charmed my way back into after yesterday's attempts to make us sleep (shock horror) 'downstairs' were foiled - we all settled down for a kip. Me in my usual spot on the edge of the bed, with Mrs S 'spooned' up behind me, her head on my pillow behind mine, and her arm under my head helpfully supporting my neck.
I was busy dreaming about roast chicken when jeez - the commotion was enough to wake the whole street (and they complain about the odd woof from us!).... its her wrist, and its itching and burning and covered in spots....
Oh dear, I thinks. She's been had, this bracelet is a dud. Man, she's gonna be so cross. And then I snuggle back down and forget all about it.
Next thing I know, the room is floodlit and I'm being grabbed by the scruff of my neck and hauled into the bathroom for 'an inspection'.... apparently I have fleas! FLEAS!! I'm mortified. Horrified. Aghast.
I try to explain that if I DO have fleas (and at this moment in time it's still under investigation) we all know where I got them from - THEM BLOODY CATS! It's the hairy one. I know it.
But will she listen? Of course not, I'm hoiked back into the bedroom, forced to lie on a large floor cushion for the rest of the night and sleep only fitfully with their last words ringing in my ears....horrible, nasty, bitey creatures (and by this I assume they mean the fleas, and not the spaniels)....vets....flea treatment....it will cost a fortune..... and oh dear dog......BATH......
I will get my revenge - the cats will pay.
Monday, 7 December 2009
My humans are plotting against me
I am living with a terrible foreboding today.
Why? I fear that my humans are plotting to make me sleep downstairs with the cats. WITH THE CATS!! Yes you heard it right. I am outraged. The rule of the world is that the humans are allowed to sleep in my bed, as long as they stick to the edges, Ruby can sleep there too as long as she sleeps by the foot board and not up by my pillows, while those horrible moggies sleep on the floor in the kitchen.
It started last night. Hushed whispers as bedtime approached and furtive glances between the humans as we snoozed on the sofa. Imagine my horror when I drifted back to consciousness a few hours later to find the humans had snuck off to my bed without telling me!
As I laid downstairs in the cold and the dark, behind a firmly closed door, wondering how they could do this to me, there seemed to be only one option. So I nudged Ruby awake, took a deep breath, and howled: AAAWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWW........ YOWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW......WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!
Sure enough, five minutes later I was back in my own bed. How they thought they would get away with it is beyond me. Fools.
But I fear I may not be over the worst as I caught snatched conversations this morning: 'Blah blah blah.....back to basics....' - 'blah blah blah....ear plugs blah blah' - 'blah blah blah crate training again blah blah blah biscuit when he's quiet....' (which caught my attention) and 'I'll put a bloody bag over his head, that will teach him....' (that got withering looks from my female human I'm pleased to report).
So I'll let you know how it goes, but I can assure you that I will not be sleeping on the same level of the house as the cats.....
Why? I fear that my humans are plotting to make me sleep downstairs with the cats. WITH THE CATS!! Yes you heard it right. I am outraged. The rule of the world is that the humans are allowed to sleep in my bed, as long as they stick to the edges, Ruby can sleep there too as long as she sleeps by the foot board and not up by my pillows, while those horrible moggies sleep on the floor in the kitchen.
It started last night. Hushed whispers as bedtime approached and furtive glances between the humans as we snoozed on the sofa. Imagine my horror when I drifted back to consciousness a few hours later to find the humans had snuck off to my bed without telling me!
As I laid downstairs in the cold and the dark, behind a firmly closed door, wondering how they could do this to me, there seemed to be only one option. So I nudged Ruby awake, took a deep breath, and howled: AAAWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWW........ YOWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW......WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!
Sure enough, five minutes later I was back in my own bed. How they thought they would get away with it is beyond me. Fools.
But I fear I may not be over the worst as I caught snatched conversations this morning: 'Blah blah blah.....back to basics....' - 'blah blah blah....ear plugs blah blah' - 'blah blah blah crate training again blah blah blah biscuit when he's quiet....' (which caught my attention) and 'I'll put a bloody bag over his head, that will teach him....' (that got withering looks from my female human I'm pleased to report).
So I'll let you know how it goes, but I can assure you that I will not be sleeping on the same level of the house as the cats.....
Friday, 4 December 2009
Santa Paws
Dear Santa Paws
Apparently I have to write you a letter about how well behaved and good mannered I've been in order to get some nice presents this Christmas. So here goes:
I accept that perhaps my year could have started better, when on my first day away from my mum and litter mates I mistakenly chewed a glass vase. Giving my new mum a near heart attack and an unhealthy obsession with poo for a fortnight. But you have to say that I soon redeemed myself by learning that any self-respecting puppy should go to the toilet in the garden, not in the kitchen, hallway or front room, and that CATS ARE NOT FOR CHASING.
I'll also admit that I could be an early riser in the beginning, and that with jobs to go to to keep me in food and treats and the now customary vets bills, those 5am howls for attention might have got a tad annoying. But, the soulful whimpering did the trick in moving me out of the crate and into the humans' bed at night by about four months old, thus removing the need for the unsightly cage in the bedroom. And, I NEVER chased a cat during the night while they slept.
I'll give you the fact that my recall was, and still is, a touch unpredictable, but here I must blame my cocker spaniel genes and declare it not to be my fault that I go deaf when in pursuit of another dog or cyclist (or cat). It is hereditary and out of my control.
But on the plus side, I did manage to fool the obedience trainer into giving me my puppy and bronze training certificates with 100% pass marks. Thus making the humans look like good dog owners, albeit utterly perplexed about why I can obey all commands in class, but bugger all commands when in public. This surely shows canine initiative and commitment?
Finally, despite the humans' efforts to keep me half starved - two MINUTE bowls of dry kibble with the odd scraping of chicken or fish a day and none of the table scraps and leftovers that all my doggy chums in the park gloat about - I have never actioned the urges to leap on my humans and savage them for their dinner. I don't even do the sitting by their knees, mournful eyed and drooling, in order to obtain scraps by emotional blackmail.
Oh, and I think I know the house rule NOT TO CHASE THE CATS now, I've heard it so many times (at least, not when the humans are within earshot).
So, it's patently clear that I need a new ball on a rope (Dad threw the last one into a tree), a new squeaky sheep (Ruby systematically destroyed and de-stuffed mine), a large rawhide bone (I keep forgetting to hide them from the foxes) and my very own cat that I will be allowed to freely chase to my heart's content (I promise not to catch it).
Eddie x
Apparently I have to write you a letter about how well behaved and good mannered I've been in order to get some nice presents this Christmas. So here goes:
I accept that perhaps my year could have started better, when on my first day away from my mum and litter mates I mistakenly chewed a glass vase. Giving my new mum a near heart attack and an unhealthy obsession with poo for a fortnight. But you have to say that I soon redeemed myself by learning that any self-respecting puppy should go to the toilet in the garden, not in the kitchen, hallway or front room, and that CATS ARE NOT FOR CHASING.
I'll also admit that I could be an early riser in the beginning, and that with jobs to go to to keep me in food and treats and the now customary vets bills, those 5am howls for attention might have got a tad annoying. But, the soulful whimpering did the trick in moving me out of the crate and into the humans' bed at night by about four months old, thus removing the need for the unsightly cage in the bedroom. And, I NEVER chased a cat during the night while they slept.
I'll give you the fact that my recall was, and still is, a touch unpredictable, but here I must blame my cocker spaniel genes and declare it not to be my fault that I go deaf when in pursuit of another dog or cyclist (or cat). It is hereditary and out of my control.
But on the plus side, I did manage to fool the obedience trainer into giving me my puppy and bronze training certificates with 100% pass marks. Thus making the humans look like good dog owners, albeit utterly perplexed about why I can obey all commands in class, but bugger all commands when in public. This surely shows canine initiative and commitment?
Finally, despite the humans' efforts to keep me half starved - two MINUTE bowls of dry kibble with the odd scraping of chicken or fish a day and none of the table scraps and leftovers that all my doggy chums in the park gloat about - I have never actioned the urges to leap on my humans and savage them for their dinner. I don't even do the sitting by their knees, mournful eyed and drooling, in order to obtain scraps by emotional blackmail.
Oh, and I think I know the house rule NOT TO CHASE THE CATS now, I've heard it so many times (at least, not when the humans are within earshot).
So, it's patently clear that I need a new ball on a rope (Dad threw the last one into a tree), a new squeaky sheep (Ruby systematically destroyed and de-stuffed mine), a large rawhide bone (I keep forgetting to hide them from the foxes) and my very own cat that I will be allowed to freely chase to my heart's content (I promise not to catch it).
Eddie x
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Now here's a thing...
...why do we cockers always get into so much trouble when we try to help the humans? Last night Mrs S was undertaking more of that DIY activity and I noticed that she had left a paint brush and cloth on the hallway floor, so I thought I would help out by tidying up for her. The next thing I know there's all this commotion and I'm having my chops and ears washed out with a wet cloth. Something about me having unwanted extra white roaning all over my face? I give up.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Back again
Well, my Uncle Daniel reminded my mum today that I've been neglecting to keep this blog up to date. So with this chastisement ringing in my spaniel ears, I'm putting paws to paper with renewed vigour and a pledge to blog each and every day now (lest I have no readers left!)...
So what's been happening lately? We've been decorating the hallway - but I get the impression that the humans are none too impressed when we try to help with the clearing up by moving the wet rollers and brushes - and we've been loving the wet weather - although there seemed to be some trouble when we dried ourselves off in said decorated hallway on Sunday... I honestly don't think there was any need for such bad language!
But our main concern lately has been Mr Fox - who appears to be availing himself of our rawhide chews and bones every night. I know we are not supposed to take them out in the garden, but it's what we dogs do. Except when we go back out to retrieve them the next day they've been pinched... anyone got any advice on how to get rid of him?
Chow for now! Eddie x
So what's been happening lately? We've been decorating the hallway - but I get the impression that the humans are none too impressed when we try to help with the clearing up by moving the wet rollers and brushes - and we've been loving the wet weather - although there seemed to be some trouble when we dried ourselves off in said decorated hallway on Sunday... I honestly don't think there was any need for such bad language!
But our main concern lately has been Mr Fox - who appears to be availing himself of our rawhide chews and bones every night. I know we are not supposed to take them out in the garden, but it's what we dogs do. Except when we go back out to retrieve them the next day they've been pinched... anyone got any advice on how to get rid of him?
Chow for now! Eddie x
Friday, 23 October 2009
Thank crunchie it's Friday
Hi guys! How are you all doing? I'm waiting for Mr and Mrs S to get home and get the weekend party started, so to speak! We are all off to Ruby's old family's new house tonight – another garden to trash and new floors to muddy up! I'm hoping that they don't decide they've missed her so much they want her to move back in, this place wouldn't be the same without her now.
Yes, she does push me about and bite my ears a bit more than is necessary, in my opinion, but I can give as good as I get and I do like having a playmate and a buddy to run through the woods with.
Last Sunday we went on a Cockers Online meet up - its a website for cocker spaniel owners that mum is always on (she's a saddo and needs to get a life methinks!). We went to Shorne Country Park in Kent. It was a hoot - we saw Pebble the blue roan again (we first met by chance at the Hop Farm for Paws in the Park last month - her mum's a COL-er as well and recognised us from mum's posts) and met Monty and Rosie and Coco and Mayhem and loads and loads of other cocker spaniels.
It would have been even better if the hoomans hadn't all been busy nattering away and followed the wrong route to the other half of the group - but we got to go past the dop pond and have a wallow in the mud. Guess who was straight in the bath when we got home?
Yes, she does push me about and bite my ears a bit more than is necessary, in my opinion, but I can give as good as I get and I do like having a playmate and a buddy to run through the woods with.
Last Sunday we went on a Cockers Online meet up - its a website for cocker spaniel owners that mum is always on (she's a saddo and needs to get a life methinks!). We went to Shorne Country Park in Kent. It was a hoot - we saw Pebble the blue roan again (we first met by chance at the Hop Farm for Paws in the Park last month - her mum's a COL-er as well and recognised us from mum's posts) and met Monty and Rosie and Coco and Mayhem and loads and loads of other cocker spaniels.
It would have been even better if the hoomans hadn't all been busy nattering away and followed the wrong route to the other half of the group - but we got to go past the dop pond and have a wallow in the mud. Guess who was straight in the bath when we got home?
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Winter is a coming.....
.... and hope to doG I don't have to wear this stupid parka thing outdoors - oh the shame! I'm sure I saw Ruby on her back, thrashing about in fits of giggles out of the corner of my eye when they made me put this on. How could they humiliate me like this? I'll get my own back by chewing her new winter boots I think...

Tuesday, 13 October 2009
I passed bronze!
Took the training class by storm last night - even though I say it myself - and passed level one certificate with top marks! Money for old rope this laying down and staying in one position for ages - AND I get a liver treat for every time I lie still! How easy is that?
I livened things up a bit by snuffling around under the chairs in the church hall between takes - someone had kindly dropped a bunch of grapes down the back - and bogging off for a drink of water during the "wait" to go through the door exercise! But compared with the competition - a silly Labradoodle and a rather badly behaved Hungarian Vizlar who couldn't do a "down stay" to save his life - I was mustard.
So Mrs S is now the proud owner of another rosette and under the misapprehension that she has a cocker spaniel who can obey commands! She just doesn't get that it's a whole new ball game outside of the church hall!!
I livened things up a bit by snuffling around under the chairs in the church hall between takes - someone had kindly dropped a bunch of grapes down the back - and bogging off for a drink of water during the "wait" to go through the door exercise! But compared with the competition - a silly Labradoodle and a rather badly behaved Hungarian Vizlar who couldn't do a "down stay" to save his life - I was mustard.
So Mrs S is now the proud owner of another rosette and under the misapprehension that she has a cocker spaniel who can obey commands! She just doesn't get that it's a whole new ball game outside of the church hall!!
Monday, 12 October 2009
An eventful walk in the woods
On Saturday, Ruby and I were bundled into the back of the car and driven to our new favourite haunt - some big woods not so far from where we live. We love chasing the squirrels and we can run for miles in and out of all the trees. This week, it had been chucking it down before we got there, and there were loads of wet, muddy puddles to wallow in and masses of leaves to jump into. We were having a great time until Mr S decided to run up a bank and hide behind a big tree - we obviously sniffed him out in a nano second and ran back down the slope, when he came tumbling down behind us letting out a blood curdling yell - silly dope hadn't factored in having only two legs, with less balance, so had stumbled on a hidden log and sprained his ankle! doh!
He gamely hopped round the rest of the trail (apparently just as far back to the car as carrying on, and Mrs S wasn't about to give him a piggy back) but it put him out of action for the rest of the weekend - when will these humans learn - four paws good, two legs bad!!!
Anyway, things got decidedly worse when we got home as we both had to have a dreaded bath - something about stinking to high heaven, wherever that is. Clean, wet and smelling really really iffy, we spent the rest of the weekend confined to house and garden to keep us out of trouble.
Tonight is my 'exam' at dog training - I can't wait to see Mrs S's face when I 'forget' all we've learned this course....
He gamely hopped round the rest of the trail (apparently just as far back to the car as carrying on, and Mrs S wasn't about to give him a piggy back) but it put him out of action for the rest of the weekend - when will these humans learn - four paws good, two legs bad!!!
Anyway, things got decidedly worse when we got home as we both had to have a dreaded bath - something about stinking to high heaven, wherever that is. Clean, wet and smelling really really iffy, we spent the rest of the weekend confined to house and garden to keep us out of trouble.
Tonight is my 'exam' at dog training - I can't wait to see Mrs S's face when I 'forget' all we've learned this course....
Friday, 9 October 2009
From here to Australia!
It's been a pretty average week really. Sleep, eat, walk, sleep, eat, tear around the house and garden, sleep..... you get the gist! We are down to one long walk a day as it's too dark now when Mrs S gets home from work, so we have much more energy to expend on digging large holes in the garden instead.....

.... hmmm caught in the act!
.... hmmm caught in the act!
Monday, 28 September 2009
I don't like Mondays...
It's been a great weekend... started on Friday night with an unexpected BBQ round at ours, and while I didn't actually manage to snaffle any of the beer or burgers, I did get to hang out in the garden all night barking at the dog over the back fence!
Saturday saw Ruby going back to the vets for her stitches out - ouch!! - then I got to unexpectedly hop up on the table while, rather embarrassingly, they all talked about my lack of 'boy's bits' for my age, and the vet had a good old fumble around my nether regions! I mean, come on! There was talk about me having to have the snip, which made my ears flatten and my tail droop, so I was relieved to hear Mr S sticking up for me and saying I'm still a baby and there's plenty of time yet for them to drop (for what to drop? I didn't ask!)...
Then the humans ruined our peaceful post-walk snoozes by demolishing what seemed like half the house in two days... that place upstairs where they entice us with biscuits, before wrapping us in towels and dunking us in the nasty water filled contraption, is now twice as big. I'm confused though... they needn't have bothered on my account cos I'm more than happy to get a soaking in the local lake if they want to see me wet!
Oh well, it's training tonight. Money for old rope this getting food for lying down business.....
Saturday saw Ruby going back to the vets for her stitches out - ouch!! - then I got to unexpectedly hop up on the table while, rather embarrassingly, they all talked about my lack of 'boy's bits' for my age, and the vet had a good old fumble around my nether regions! I mean, come on! There was talk about me having to have the snip, which made my ears flatten and my tail droop, so I was relieved to hear Mr S sticking up for me and saying I'm still a baby and there's plenty of time yet for them to drop (for what to drop? I didn't ask!)...
Then the humans ruined our peaceful post-walk snoozes by demolishing what seemed like half the house in two days... that place upstairs where they entice us with biscuits, before wrapping us in towels and dunking us in the nasty water filled contraption, is now twice as big. I'm confused though... they needn't have bothered on my account cos I'm more than happy to get a soaking in the local lake if they want to see me wet!
Oh well, it's training tonight. Money for old rope this getting food for lying down business.....
Friday, 25 September 2009
I've been 'Sweenied'!!!!!
I had a horrible day on Sunday. I'd been ill all weekend - which involved a vet's trip and a big injection - and I was just perking up when I sussed something 'big ' was about to happen.... Ruby was walked on her own and then left at home while the hoomans put their Sunday best on and set of with me "on foot" somewhere!
After a puzzling 40 minute walk, we turned up at the poodle parlour!! Arggghhhhhh!
Mrs S showed the man loads of pictures and gave strict instructions as to the haircut I was to have, then they buggered off to the pub over the road and let Sweeny Todd do his worse to me!
Anyway, this was the end result - the humans all seemed very pleased with me and booked me in again for two months' time...

Now, personally I think I'm a handsome pooch (I've looked in the mirror and seen the swoons that people do when they meet me) and the cut I can cope with, but why the perfume? It stinks! It's just an unnecessary touch meant to humiliate us mutts with our fellow hounds. Still, walking home I had a plan, put into action the following day when I left a nice 'present' for the hoomans on the living room floor, which I then ran through in my excitement, before jumping up for a cuddle and leaving brown paw prints all over her skirt!
Nice one! Although I reckon I'm possibly in the doghouse now!
After a puzzling 40 minute walk, we turned up at the poodle parlour!! Arggghhhhhh!
Mrs S showed the man loads of pictures and gave strict instructions as to the haircut I was to have, then they buggered off to the pub over the road and let Sweeny Todd do his worse to me!
Anyway, this was the end result - the humans all seemed very pleased with me and booked me in again for two months' time...
Now, personally I think I'm a handsome pooch (I've looked in the mirror and seen the swoons that people do when they meet me) and the cut I can cope with, but why the perfume? It stinks! It's just an unnecessary touch meant to humiliate us mutts with our fellow hounds. Still, walking home I had a plan, put into action the following day when I left a nice 'present' for the hoomans on the living room floor, which I then ran through in my excitement, before jumping up for a cuddle and leaving brown paw prints all over her skirt!
Nice one! Although I reckon I'm possibly in the doghouse now!
Cocker cream teas!
Just had a week in Devon, my first ever holiday. It took me a little while to settle in - I didn't know that the 'no toilet in the house' rule applied to ALL houses did I?! Once I'd got that cleared up though (or to be more accurate, once Mrs S got it cleared up - LOL) things went great.
We arrived on the Saturday afternoon after a long drive down there - stopping along the way at a service station with six other cockers loitering around - and to my surprise and delight my nan and grandad were already there! She always brings me a treat, and this time I got a yellow rubber ring and a rope ball.... was hoping for a bacon sandwich to be honest, but its the thought that counts...
Anyway, on the first night we saw fireworks for the first time - which made us cockers hide behind the sofa at first - but we soon got used to them and even stood up on the back of the sofa to watch (from inside the safety of the house of course).
We went on a steam train, we were paw passengers on a ferry, I took my first bus ride AND I learned to swim in a big rock pool. Ruby doesn't like the sea, and I'm none too keen on the waves, but I love digging in the sand - although the towelling down before we get back in the car seems a bit heavy handed for my liking.
Take a look at the slideshow here:
We arrived on the Saturday afternoon after a long drive down there - stopping along the way at a service station with six other cockers loitering around - and to my surprise and delight my nan and grandad were already there! She always brings me a treat, and this time I got a yellow rubber ring and a rope ball.... was hoping for a bacon sandwich to be honest, but its the thought that counts...
Anyway, on the first night we saw fireworks for the first time - which made us cockers hide behind the sofa at first - but we soon got used to them and even stood up on the back of the sofa to watch (from inside the safety of the house of course).
We went on a steam train, we were paw passengers on a ferry, I took my first bus ride AND I learned to swim in a big rock pool. Ruby doesn't like the sea, and I'm none too keen on the waves, but I love digging in the sand - although the towelling down before we get back in the car seems a bit heavy handed for my liking.
Take a look at the slideshow here:
Friday, 21 August 2009
And in the red corner.... "Rock Steady" Eddie v. "Spot On" Ruby
Friday, 7 August 2009
Swine flu and bloomin builders!
Hi again, it's been a funny old week. Started last Sunday when Ruby's ex-family came to visit and I got momentarily worried that they were going to take my new girlfriend away again, but it seems they just wanted to see how she was settling in to her new home. Quite frankly I think she is pretty relieved to be away from those kids, they don't half pull you about a bit!
Then on Monday Mrs S succumbed to the flu so has been in a bad mood all week and the builders turned up to do the roof and gutters. I don't know what the stress was - they kept leaving lengths of plastic pipe around and I disposed of them around the garden - what's wrong with that? All told though I understand from the mutterings that these builder folk are lazy and inconsiderate!
Mrs S is in a right old mood today about some 'slap dash' brickwork where they've replaced the down pipe (whatever that is) so Ruby and I made ourselves scarce on the beds upstairs. Trampolining for mutts - great fun.
The week has had its highlights though - an exciting walk along the river and pub lunch in Kent, and my first proper swim! Poor Ruby seems quite scared of the water, I'll have to see if I can entice her in next time. The undercurrent washed the tennis ball downstream, but I was just happy to be splashing around in the sun. We met about five other cockers on the river bank and Mrs S even let me have a little lick of her ice cream..... it's a cocker's life alright!!
Then on Monday Mrs S succumbed to the flu so has been in a bad mood all week and the builders turned up to do the roof and gutters. I don't know what the stress was - they kept leaving lengths of plastic pipe around and I disposed of them around the garden - what's wrong with that? All told though I understand from the mutterings that these builder folk are lazy and inconsiderate!
Mrs S is in a right old mood today about some 'slap dash' brickwork where they've replaced the down pipe (whatever that is) so Ruby and I made ourselves scarce on the beds upstairs. Trampolining for mutts - great fun.
The week has had its highlights though - an exciting walk along the river and pub lunch in Kent, and my first proper swim! Poor Ruby seems quite scared of the water, I'll have to see if I can entice her in next time. The undercurrent washed the tennis ball downstream, but I was just happy to be splashing around in the sun. We met about five other cockers on the river bank and Mrs S even let me have a little lick of her ice cream..... it's a cocker's life alright!!
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Fun to cause chaos
Things are going well with the new girlfriend I think, she's coming around to my boyish charms and I don't have to hassle her to play with me so much now. She can't help herself, and is fairly regularly enticing me into a boxing match!
Mrs S was well stressed out with us the other night, so last night we didn't go to the park, we just chased round the garden after each other and tennis balls, which did the trick in tiring us out I suppose - but not as much fun for me cos I LIKE trying to escape!
This morning, Mrs S was well pleased with herself - I wondered what she was rummaging around under the stairs at last night, with toys and shoes flying all over the place - she got us together to sit for the leads and quickly snaffled a harness on each of us! To that she attached this Y shaped extension thing and to that she attached a lead! phew! Complicated mechanics or what? Just for a walk round the block!
Anyway, Rubes and me trotted along quite happily - gave us a bit more room so I didn't have to keep biting her face for getting in my zone man - we got extra cuddles and a treat when we got in so it made a human a very happy bunny!
Just waiting for Grandad to come and dog sit for the day..... now what can we do to stress HIM out today......?!!!
Mrs S was well stressed out with us the other night, so last night we didn't go to the park, we just chased round the garden after each other and tennis balls, which did the trick in tiring us out I suppose - but not as much fun for me cos I LIKE trying to escape!
This morning, Mrs S was well pleased with herself - I wondered what she was rummaging around under the stairs at last night, with toys and shoes flying all over the place - she got us together to sit for the leads and quickly snaffled a harness on each of us! To that she attached this Y shaped extension thing and to that she attached a lead! phew! Complicated mechanics or what? Just for a walk round the block!
Anyway, Rubes and me trotted along quite happily - gave us a bit more room so I didn't have to keep biting her face for getting in my zone man - we got extra cuddles and a treat when we got in so it made a human a very happy bunny!
Just waiting for Grandad to come and dog sit for the day..... now what can we do to stress HIM out today......?!!!
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby.........ahhhh ah ha ha ahhhhh!
I've acquired a live in girlfriend
Well, there's been a real turn up for the books this weekend. On Sunday night a rather nice black and white cocker called Ruby arrived at ours with a bed, towels, brush, bowls and lead.... hmmmmmmm I thought to myself, none of the other doggy visitors bring this much stuff, but I was so excited I decided not to dwell on it too long.
It's taken a couple of days, but I think we've now reached an agreement - how best to upset Mr and Mrs S with our rabble like behaviour - and I have to say she is right up for it! Awesome! She's coming round to my way of thinking with regards play fighting - the noisier and bouncier the better - and she never eats all her food (yum yum! although I can't deny it did lead to me vomiting bright orange liquid on the bedroom floor at 3.30am this morning - not good - Mrs S was not a happy bunny)...
The best bit has been "forgetting" all my training and running wild in the park - if Mrs S can't focus on me 100% now, then why should I bother? Seeing her run wildly around the lake, shouting my name until hoarse and jumping about like a maniac with her knickers on fire did make me snigger.... I think I shall have to see where this new tack gets me tonight!
It's taken a couple of days, but I think we've now reached an agreement - how best to upset Mr and Mrs S with our rabble like behaviour - and I have to say she is right up for it! Awesome! She's coming round to my way of thinking with regards play fighting - the noisier and bouncier the better - and she never eats all her food (yum yum! although I can't deny it did lead to me vomiting bright orange liquid on the bedroom floor at 3.30am this morning - not good - Mrs S was not a happy bunny)...
The best bit has been "forgetting" all my training and running wild in the park - if Mrs S can't focus on me 100% now, then why should I bother? Seeing her run wildly around the lake, shouting my name until hoarse and jumping about like a maniac with her knickers on fire did make me snigger.... I think I shall have to see where this new tack gets me tonight!
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Surviving the power failure
Well, due to the power failure this week, that has seen the hoomans in a right tizz, I've not been able to put paws to keyboard and contribute to this blog. EDF Energy have kindly let us have three hours of power at a time, on a rota basis, but this hasn't really helped much when our three allocated hours have been in the middle of the night or during the day when the hoomans have been out at work!
The benefits for me have been extra walks around the park - just for something to do - but the downside has been the early nights - I mean 9pm, come on! I'm wide awake by 6am and raring to go chasing birds and cats - except Mrs S does not appreciate the paw in the face at such an early hour it seems....
Anyway the exciting news it that I'm to get a room mate next week. I'm a bit unsure as to whether a permanent addition to the household is for the best, but it will give me someone to chase in the park that Mr and Mrs S approve of! I'm willing to give it a go as long as she follows some ground rules: no sharing of food, bones or toys; I get to sleep on the hoomans' pillows, not her; she gets the baths, not me; and I get to lie of the sofa with Mrs S while she watches tv.......
Stick to that and all will be dandy! Watch this space.
The benefits for me have been extra walks around the park - just for something to do - but the downside has been the early nights - I mean 9pm, come on! I'm wide awake by 6am and raring to go chasing birds and cats - except Mrs S does not appreciate the paw in the face at such an early hour it seems....
Anyway the exciting news it that I'm to get a room mate next week. I'm a bit unsure as to whether a permanent addition to the household is for the best, but it will give me someone to chase in the park that Mr and Mrs S approve of! I'm willing to give it a go as long as she follows some ground rules: no sharing of food, bones or toys; I get to sleep on the hoomans' pillows, not her; she gets the baths, not me; and I get to lie of the sofa with Mrs S while she watches tv.......
Stick to that and all will be dandy! Watch this space.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
I graduated puppy school!
Yeahhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I graduated puppy school last night and came away with this rather fetching rosette (Mrs S is hoping it's one of many to come I think, mums eh?). I decided to 'play the game' and let Mr S walk the whole way around me while I did a near perfect 'down stay' - which got me many extra points as some of the others were clearly having more fun winding their owners up by completely ignoring them - but when it came to recall past a tasty sausage - well I admit to doing a little double turn, and feeling rather proud of myself that I managed to get the sausage and return to sit in front of Mr S for the cheese treat he was handing out (that wasn't the point I heard them say later!!)...
Finally, I won the prize of the night (a bouncy ball that Mr S bounced into next door's garden as soon as we got home - sigh) because of Mr S's competitive streak and desire to eliminate all other dogs in the musical 'down'... still he's so chuffed I should be able to get away with murder for weeks!! LOL

Finally, I won the prize of the night (a bouncy ball that Mr S bounced into next door's garden as soon as we got home - sigh) because of Mr S's competitive streak and desire to eliminate all other dogs in the musical 'down'... still he's so chuffed I should be able to get away with murder for weeks!! LOL
Monday, 13 July 2009
Visit from the tooth fairy
It's been a mixed bag of a weekend. The hoomans keep fussing around me, trying to get me to eat ice cubes and sticking their hands in my chops and having a good rummage around, and all because I've lost a few teeth. Ok, to be fair I've lost a lot of teeth the last few days, and it has made me a bit on the grizzly side, but that's no excuse to keep invading my space every five minutes.
On the plus side, I met some new mates on Saturday. Mr S went up to see Oasis at Wembley on Saturday night (he came back stinking of beer and sweat, and has the nerve to say I need a bath!) so Mrs S stayed in with a friend, Mrs W, to drink vodka and watch some rubbish TV programme about some awful glamour model and her hideous ex-pop star husband and the reason why they've split up... she's probably a cat lover or something...
Anyway, Mrs W brings her two mutts over to play so at least I had some sensible canine company for a while.
Yesterday was spent trying to ignore the hoomans as they attempted their 'training' practise. Yes I can 'sit' 'stand' get 'down' and 'stay'... but honestly, why would I want to? It's far more fun pretending I haven't got a scooby what they are on about and looking blankly at them with big brown eyes. It can be worth the treat on occasion, especially when they switch to cheese, but frankly I'm looking forward to seeing Mr S try any or all of the above with me at the last puppy training class tonight... who knows whether I'll be in the mood to comply?
Chowser for nowser!
On the plus side, I met some new mates on Saturday. Mr S went up to see Oasis at Wembley on Saturday night (he came back stinking of beer and sweat, and has the nerve to say I need a bath!) so Mrs S stayed in with a friend, Mrs W, to drink vodka and watch some rubbish TV programme about some awful glamour model and her hideous ex-pop star husband and the reason why they've split up... she's probably a cat lover or something...
Anyway, Mrs W brings her two mutts over to play so at least I had some sensible canine company for a while.
Yesterday was spent trying to ignore the hoomans as they attempted their 'training' practise. Yes I can 'sit' 'stand' get 'down' and 'stay'... but honestly, why would I want to? It's far more fun pretending I haven't got a scooby what they are on about and looking blankly at them with big brown eyes. It can be worth the treat on occasion, especially when they switch to cheese, but frankly I'm looking forward to seeing Mr S try any or all of the above with me at the last puppy training class tonight... who knows whether I'll be in the mood to comply?
Chowser for nowser!
Friday, 10 July 2009
Eddie here and taking over!
Hey - I've decided to take over this blog as 'Mum' clearly isn't up to the job, and all the other blogs I've seen are written by the dogs, not the hoomans!
I'm round at my nan's today as 'Dad' has to work and 'Mum' is going to some leaving drinks party by the river (alright for some) and I'm delighting in causing chaos! She has this grumpy old rescue Sheltie called Tezza, and I just love winding him up by nicking all his toys and balls!! ha ha - he's a bit of a snappy old devil though, so I gotta watch me snout when he goes on the turn...
Hey ho, the kids want the internet back so I'm gonna sign off for now... where's that packet of crisps I nicked earlier gone I wonder?
I'm round at my nan's today as 'Dad' has to work and 'Mum' is going to some leaving drinks party by the river (alright for some) and I'm delighting in causing chaos! She has this grumpy old rescue Sheltie called Tezza, and I just love winding him up by nicking all his toys and balls!! ha ha - he's a bit of a snappy old devil though, so I gotta watch me snout when he goes on the turn...
Hey ho, the kids want the internet back so I'm gonna sign off for now... where's that packet of crisps I nicked earlier gone I wonder?
Where has the month gone?
Well, apologies for not posting for like, forever! I do know that the aim of a blog is to actually keep the world updated, but it has been a mad June and even madder July so far, and this site sadly fell to the bottom of my list of priorities!
Anyway - back on track now.
Eddie has grown, and grown and grown! He's losing his teeth (one under anaesthetic at the vets, but that's another story) so has almost constant wet chops and grizzlyness, and has fast learned to hop himself on and off the sofas and bed.
Training is nearly at an end - his 'tricks' are inconsistent and his 'stay' is poor to say the least. But we persevere.
So, at 20 weeks old, all is going well and I make a pledge to update this daily from now on.....
Anyway - back on track now.
Eddie has grown, and grown and grown! He's losing his teeth (one under anaesthetic at the vets, but that's another story) so has almost constant wet chops and grizzlyness, and has fast learned to hop himself on and off the sofas and bed.
Training is nearly at an end - his 'tricks' are inconsistent and his 'stay' is poor to say the least. But we persevere.
So, at 20 weeks old, all is going well and I make a pledge to update this daily from now on.....
Saturday, 30 May 2009
First trip to the beach
Yesterday was so hot, we decided to take a picnic to Kingsgate Bay, where Eddie had his first swim, found that he particularly likes munching seaweed, and generally causing chaos chasing kids and other dogs. We met a 14 week old golden retriever, who he played with in the pub garden, who turned out to be from bexleyheath! He seemed to bring more sand home than was to be found on the beach, but it's a dead cert that we will be going again.

First walk
Saturday morning was an exciting time as Eddie was finally allowed out on a walk. Despite the harness and lead training descending into chaos in the garden - usually with Eddie on his back with four paws in the air and the lead clamped firmly between his chops - once out in the countryside he took to it like a duck to water!

Try as he might he couldn't keep up with his cousins, but he gave it his best shot! Never seen such a happy puppy!
Try as he might he couldn't keep up with his cousins, but he gave it his best shot! Never seen such a happy puppy!
Eddie's first road trip
It's been an eventful week - last Friday night we set off to Cheshire to visit family and Eddie was a little star in the car! Thanks to the father-in-law's directions and a nice traffic jam on the M6, the journey took us 5 hours in all. At the other end, Eddie came face to face with a border collie and two labradors - and swiftly fell in love with Bracken.....
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Worst weekend
It's been an upsetting weekend, with Eddie coming down quite badly with sickness and diaharrea on Saturday morning, a rushed trip to the vets for injections and antibiotics, and two days of Eddie getting steadily worse before he seemed to turn a corner. He didn't eat, drink or move from his bed (ok the sofa) for about 36 hours.
Luckily, getting him to lap water and rehydrating salts from a syringe seemed to be a bit of a hoot for him - and while most ended up on my lap, enough went down his gregory for me to panic less.
It brought back all the feelings of loss associated with Pepsi and Oscar - our rescue cockers who were both lost to cancer. I just can't see a dog being sick now without this sense of dread taking over me.
Anyway, lots of tears shed on Sunday. But by Monday afternoon he was perking up a little, we were managing to get his antibiotics down (and to stay down) and the rascal that we have grown to love over the last four weeks was finding his feet again.
By this morning, he was tearing about the garden like a jack rabbit, and generally giving me the proper runaround. Food is being demolished and he's drinking water from a bowl again. What's in store when I get home tonight I wonder?
Luckily, getting him to lap water and rehydrating salts from a syringe seemed to be a bit of a hoot for him - and while most ended up on my lap, enough went down his gregory for me to panic less.
It brought back all the feelings of loss associated with Pepsi and Oscar - our rescue cockers who were both lost to cancer. I just can't see a dog being sick now without this sense of dread taking over me.
Anyway, lots of tears shed on Sunday. But by Monday afternoon he was perking up a little, we were managing to get his antibiotics down (and to stay down) and the rascal that we have grown to love over the last four weeks was finding his feet again.
By this morning, he was tearing about the garden like a jack rabbit, and generally giving me the proper runaround. Food is being demolished and he's drinking water from a bowl again. What's in store when I get home tonight I wonder?
Friday, 15 May 2009
Two steps forward...
... one step back! After a much better week where Eddie seemed to be behaving a little better - not crying so much when we went to another room without him and not nipping and biting us so often (as puppies do) - last night and this morning has seen him turn from Mr Cocker to Dr Hyde!!
He's also snaffled himself something horrid from the garden (most likely as he has a penchant for digging up cat poo from the flower borders), which means that yours truly had to get up at 1am and 6am this morning (after six bottles of Stella and a curry last night!) to take him to the loo, by which time I felt so sorry for him I put him in our bed.... big mistake! He saw that as his cue to be an absolute menace until he fell fast asleep at 7.30am.... just as the alarm went off for work!
Still, I can't help but forgive him anything when he sits on me for a cuddle, then dozes off on my pillow with his little nose tucked under my neck for warmth... this is why God made puppies so cute!
He's also snaffled himself something horrid from the garden (most likely as he has a penchant for digging up cat poo from the flower borders), which means that yours truly had to get up at 1am and 6am this morning (after six bottles of Stella and a curry last night!) to take him to the loo, by which time I felt so sorry for him I put him in our bed.... big mistake! He saw that as his cue to be an absolute menace until he fell fast asleep at 7.30am.... just as the alarm went off for work!
Still, I can't help but forgive him anything when he sits on me for a cuddle, then dozes off on my pillow with his little nose tucked under my neck for warmth... this is why God made puppies so cute!
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Look mum I made the stairs!
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Lazy pooch!
It's been an eventful week so far. Eddie has learned how to climb the stairs so there is no escape from the little monster! Unfortunately he gets upstairs in just a few bounds, but the big jelly can't get back down on his own and has to be carried. Still, it's good exercise for me and the other half!!
Consequently, all the running out into the garden and back, and straight down the hallway and upstairs takes it's toll on an 11-week-old!!
Consequently, all the running out into the garden and back, and straight down the hallway and upstairs takes it's toll on an 11-week-old!!
Monday, 11 May 2009
What a weekend
Little Eddie is growing so fast I can hardly believe it. He's almost too heavy to pick up now, and he's still only 11 and a half weeks. I'm starting to think we have a giant on our hands.
At the vets on Saturday morning he took his microchipping and final injections in fairly good humour, but hid his worming tablet under his tongue until the vet's back was turned before spitting it back onto the table! The look of innocence on his face soon turned to horror as she firmly stuffed it back down his throat. Take that!
The worst moment of the weekend came when I consulted the Cockers Online Forum guys about his constant nipping and biting - to be kindly informed to get used to it as it could go on for a whole year.... no way! My hands look like I've been pulled through a paper shredder already. My next plan is out with the oven mitts and on with the cricket pads.
At the vets on Saturday morning he took his microchipping and final injections in fairly good humour, but hid his worming tablet under his tongue until the vet's back was turned before spitting it back onto the table! The look of innocence on his face soon turned to horror as she firmly stuffed it back down his throat. Take that!
The worst moment of the weekend came when I consulted the Cockers Online Forum guys about his constant nipping and biting - to be kindly informed to get used to it as it could go on for a whole year.... no way! My hands look like I've been pulled through a paper shredder already. My next plan is out with the oven mitts and on with the cricket pads.
Friday, 8 May 2009
He's definitely a cocker!
Well, if ever proof were needed that we have a 'proper' cocker spaniel on our hands it came yesterday while trying to do the laundry. It suddenly dawned on me that our 11 week old has kleptomaniac tendencies, rather than cute puppy inquisitiveness, as he stalked me round the 'whirly gig' washing line just waiting for something to fall... of course, I dropped a sock and was promptly faced with a furry ball of frenzy desperately trying to snatch the spoils before me...
It was a flashback to Pepsi, our first rescue cocker, who lurked around every corner like a recalcitrant hoodie. She stole anything and everything - socks, shoes, remote controls, mobile phones, magazines, ipods.... she would drag the laundry basket halfway across the bedroom floor in an effort to release a sock through one of the holes.... she would wait until I knelt down in front of the washer and then pounce - all for the precious swag she could run off to guard while growling menacingly at anyone who dared to approach.
Do I believe in reincarnation? I'm beginning to wonder....
It was a flashback to Pepsi, our first rescue cocker, who lurked around every corner like a recalcitrant hoodie. She stole anything and everything - socks, shoes, remote controls, mobile phones, magazines, ipods.... she would drag the laundry basket halfway across the bedroom floor in an effort to release a sock through one of the holes.... she would wait until I knelt down in front of the washer and then pounce - all for the precious swag she could run off to guard while growling menacingly at anyone who dared to approach.
Do I believe in reincarnation? I'm beginning to wonder....
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Three weeks in
Week three: he's finally broken the husband. On arriving home from work tonight, the door opened, a puppy was thrust into my arms and the hubby fled (in tears i think) to the nearest pub. He does whine a lot, but really, call yourself a man? (Eddie, not the husband).
Three weeks in
Week two: well, Eddie has certainly leaned a few new tricks in this first week. He's missing his litter mates and seems to think that the cats are perfectly acceptable substitutes. Undeterred by their hissing and growling, he finds it a jolly great hoot to launch himself at them while they unsuspectingly snooze... it is kind of funny to see them jump through the roof in shock!
All my trouser legs are ripped to shreds, I can't count the times I've set off down the garden to be suddenly disabled in one leg by a tiny ferocious beast hanging on for dear life and trying to shake my pants off, and it has become the latest craze to jump up and grab whatever is hanging lowest from the rotating washing line and using it as a canine roundabout... added gusts of wind that speed up the process and give an extra puppy thrill are most welcome.
All my trouser legs are ripped to shreds, I can't count the times I've set off down the garden to be suddenly disabled in one leg by a tiny ferocious beast hanging on for dear life and trying to shake my pants off, and it has become the latest craze to jump up and grab whatever is hanging lowest from the rotating washing line and using it as a canine roundabout... added gusts of wind that speed up the process and give an extra puppy thrill are most welcome.
Three weeks in
I'm not so good at this blogging lark since our home PC went to the big scrap heap in the sky, but I am renewed with enthusiasm to document our 'bringing up puppy' experiences, so here goes...
Week one: Eddie is a gorgeous tiny bundle of fur and teeth! Within two hours of having him home I have had one minor heart attack (finding him chewing and eating a glass vase) one broken toe (chasing round and round the sofa in an attempt to occupy him and stop him getting an early ASBO for continually howling) and at least 10 extra crows feet (per eye) from the late nights and early mornings...... i may never have the energy to wear make up again at this rate
Week one: Eddie is a gorgeous tiny bundle of fur and teeth! Within two hours of having him home I have had one minor heart attack (finding him chewing and eating a glass vase) one broken toe (chasing round and round the sofa in an attempt to occupy him and stop him getting an early ASBO for continually howling) and at least 10 extra crows feet (per eye) from the late nights and early mornings...... i may never have the energy to wear make up again at this rate
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
The big day finally dawns
21 March: Two months' worth of research, countless telephone calls and emails, and endless vetting (both ways!), finally saw us settle on a prospective blue roan litter from a recommended and respected Kent breeder (a show judge no less!) who had two boys to chose from.
After a minor detour up a one-track lane (soddin' SatNav!!) we arrive outside the breeder's house. I can hear barking and I feel decidedly silly to be so excited at my age. Off with the shoes, on with the disenfected hand wash, and we anxiously wait while the pups are fetched from their mum.
Immediately we fall in love with the larger of the two boys, with his jet black ears and white head, and tiny rasping tongue and razor sharp baby teeth, which, by the way are now making short work of my toes. But it is the squeaking that has us sold. Then he widdles on my lap and it's a done deal. Just how will we get through the next four weeks until we can come back and take him home?
After a minor detour up a one-track lane (soddin' SatNav!!) we arrive outside the breeder's house. I can hear barking and I feel decidedly silly to be so excited at my age. Off with the shoes, on with the disenfected hand wash, and we anxiously wait while the pups are fetched from their mum.
Immediately we fall in love with the larger of the two boys, with his jet black ears and white head, and tiny rasping tongue and razor sharp baby teeth, which, by the way are now making short work of my toes. But it is the squeaking that has us sold. Then he widdles on my lap and it's a done deal. Just how will we get through the next four weeks until we can come back and take him home?
A new beginning...
After the devastating loss of two rescue cocker spaniels, within just 13 months of one another, we have taken the plunge and decided instead to 'start from scratch' and adopt a puppy. Rescue dogs have meant the world to us for years, but adopting them in middle age, with all their inherent heath issues, can mean you get to spend too short a time with them before having to say goodbye.
So this will be my blog of bringing up a cocker spaniel puppy…
So this will be my blog of bringing up a cocker spaniel puppy…
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